Hotshot Racing

Pure arcade racing to dive right into. You can play one-off races or Grand Prix mode, but at Blacknut we loved the Cops and Robbers mode where you pla... (Baca lebih lanjut)

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Pure arcade racing to dive right into. You can play one-off races or Grand Prix mode, but at Blacknut we loved the Cops and Robbers mode where you play as either the robbers trying to get away, or the cops trying to stop them in their tracks. As for Drive or Die mode, it's also loads of fun if you liked the movie Speed.


Hotshot Racing

Mainkan dengan
Gamepad PC Keyboard and Mouse
Curve Games

Sumo Digital Ltd

Mainkan sekarang
Untuk performa terbaik, gambar grafis harus diatur menjadi lebih rendah daripada internet bandwidth. Sebagai contoh: Jika bandwidth internetmu 10 Mbps, maka bitrate harus diatur menjadi 4 atau 8 Mbps. Untuk mengecek bandwidth internetmu, kamu bisa menggunakan layanan uji kecepatan internet dari beberapa website, atau hubungi penyedia layanan internetmu
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